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Menampilkan postingan dari Juli, 2017

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Text Paragraph 2    In a free market, competition takes place among sellers of the same commodity, and among those who wish to buy that commodity. Such competition, influences the prices prevailing in the market. Prices inevitably fluctuate, and such fluctuations are also affected by current supply and demand Di pasar bebas, persaingan terjadi di antara penjual komoditas yang sama, dan di antara mereka yang ingin membeli komoditas itu. Persaingan seperti itu, mempengaruhi harga yang berlaku di pasar. Harga pasti berfluktuasi, dan fluktuasi tersebut juga dipengaruhi oleh penawaran dan permintaan saat ini

Direct and Indirect

Direct and Indirect  of Present Continuous Tense      Direct and Indirect Speech, yang juga kita kenal dengan istilah lain yaitu Reported Speech.  *Direct Speech adalah kalimat yang diucapkan secara langsung oleh pembicara dan jika ditulis kalimat tersebut akan diberi tanda kutip.  * Indirect Speech adalah kalimat yang kita laporkan kepada orang lain secara tidak langsung dan tanpa diberi koma. Type Direct Speech Indirect Speech Affirmatives RP +, + S + be1 + V1ing + O He said, “I am doing   my       homework.” He said,” They are playing   football.” RP + that + S + be2 + V1ing + O He told me that he was doing his homework. He said that they were playing football. Interrogatives RP +, + be1 + S + V1ing + O He asked, “Are you going to     school?” He asked, “Are they playing     football?” RP + if + S + be2 + V1ing + O  He asked me if I